After the wedding, I was able to get a glimpse of their gorgeous wedding photos. To my surprise and excitement I spotted some photos taken of the stationery that I created. It looked stunning, simply stunning! So, I contacted the photographer, RJ Neal, and asked if I could share his photos. He quickly obliged, which was so generous of him.
So, check out these photos of the stationery from Elia & Adam's wedding and prepare to be impressed!
Many thanks to RJ Near Photography for these high quality, outstanding photos. Check out his work here -
Also, as a follow up to the previous post in regards to naming this new design, I have to share what I decided. There were many great ideas, but nothing that really "nailed it". After talking with 2 creative friends, I decided that since this design was created just for this wedding, it was only fitting to name the design after them. So, there you have it, my new design, titled "Elia".
Wow!! You're right, his work IS fabulous!!