Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to School! Enter the Contest today!

Remember when you were a kid and you were excited but also full of dread for the upcoming school year?  Do you remember being excited for the new opportunties, new clothes, new teachers, but dreading the blaring sound of the alarm clock?  Well, being a teacher, I go through that excitement and dread every year.  And, since tonight is the eve of the first day of school, I thought I would try to put away the dread and focus on something fun, like a contest!!

In order to participate in the contest, all you have to do is comment on this blog and share your favorite back to school memory.  What did you love the most about going back to school?  Was it your new haircut or new shoes? Did you love getting a new lunch box or seeing your friends after the long summer?  Do you have a funny or special story to share?  Whatever it is, share it! 

For me, my favorite thing was always the excitement of new school supplies!  I loved coordinating my folders and notebooks and opening up that new box of crayons - it was always such a beautiful sight!  As an Art teacher I still get to relish in this delight.  Unpacking those new supplies gets me all geeked up!

So, share your memory here and you will be entered in the contest.  It's as easy as that!  The contest will run through this Friday, so enter away!

Oh wait, what's the prize?!  I almost forgot!!  The winner will receive 50 free 4"x6" glossy photo Christmas cards! Yes, I said 50!!!!!!  Want to double your chances of winning?  Follow my blog and you will be entered twice!!

It doesn't get much better than this, so comment away and good luck!


  1. Hmmmmm...let's's been so long.....but I think the best thing was the new first day of school outfit----for many years-homemeade by my Mom! Always had that outfit picked out-cuz we didn't get that many new clothes---so many times-the temps would be high-but we'd still be wearin our new sweaters and heavy knee socks! Love-Aunt El

  2. My favorite was probably getting to find out where my locker was, seeing what classes I had, and my new clothes that would only last till about the 4th or 5th day of school before I would not like them because I would see how much I liked everyone else's clothes more than mine! (Then I would have had to wait till Christmas to get some new ones again!) I was always excited to get back into drafting and art class, it was a home away from home! =)

  3. Good luck tomorrow! I'm gearing up for a new year as well! :)
    My favorite memory was probably picking out a brand new outfit, something that now I look back on and laugh! Then, my parents would take my brother and I out to the front yard in front of a flowering bush and take our yearly "first day" picture. We still have them somewhere and you can see how we changed through the year! You have to love the haircuts throughout the years, and the stirrup pants too!

  4. My favorite first day of school memory is having my mom take our picture on the front porch every year. I loved that she would make such a big deal out of it, even though most of the time I acted embarrassed. I love having those pictures to look back on now. :)

  5. Hmmmm...I was the dork that LOVED school! Well, until the later years, but there was still that excitment down deep that I didn't really share with others. I loved the new outfit, walking to the bus stop to see my friends, getting all of the new supplies, and seeing how nice or mean my teacher(s) were going to be. Now, as a teacher, on this first day of school, I'm excited to see how much the kids have grown, and doing new art projects with them. Believe it or not, I didn't want to go back to bed today when the alarm went off! Weird huh? I'm sure that will all change tomorrow morning.
    ~Amy Baldwin

  6. My favorite memory is my senior year. I broke my arm just before school started, and I had a horrible purple cast. Some how I managed to find out that I could slip the cast on and off. My mother knew this and insisted I wear it to school. So as soon as I got to school, off went the cast into the locker :)

  7. Oh Heather, that is a funny story! Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. My two favorite things about going back to school each year were getting to play sports again and going back to art class. Great giveaway, Sarah!

  9. I loved getting to see my friends again. Living in the country, I didn't get to see most of them all summer. School was like a great party!

  10. Like you, I absolutely loved getting a brand new box of crayons! There's nothing quite like the smell of a new box of Crayola's. I think that must have started my obsession for other things like paper, pencils, pens and markers!!

  11. I loved not just the new clothes, but the shopping with my mom that went along with it. As the youngest of three, I rarely got that alone time with my mom, so I always looked forward to that. Of course, I also loved going to school and finding out which friends were in my class(es) that year.

  12. I have several favorite back to school memories but the one I keep coming back to is the year I was in fourth grade and had to go to a different school. It was an older school in our district, Beckwith Elementary school. I remember going shopping for new school supplies, crayons, colored pencils, erasers and notebook paper but the coolest thing for me was that some of my textbooks were new!! No one had ever used them before me so I was the first person to put my name in the book. That was also the year I met my friend Candy. Mrs. Poore was my teacher and she was very "old school" but I can still hear her soft gentle voice and I she was one of the only teachers that I had who wrote back to me when I wrote to her during the summer. Even though I am retired I still get excited when I see school supplies in the stores!!!
