Like most of us, I need more hours in the day. However, I think that I require two more hours than everyone else. I am not saying that I am any more busy than you all, I am saying that I have a serious case of foggy pregant brain and even the simplest tasks take me forever. I get so side tracked lately and forget very easily, it is bordering on embarrassing. I told my husband the other night that I basically have a case of the stupids and I wish I were exaggerating!
This is no excuse but it is part of the reason I am so behind on blogging. I have oodles of projects to show you, and will hopefully be able to update the blog next week. Ok, enough of my pity party, let's proceed:
The first thing I have to show you is a set of baby shower invitations. I love this design so much. Earlier I blogged about it using a neutral color palette for a baby whose gender was unknown. These invites were made for a little girl on the way and the design works perfectly with the pink and yellow color scheme. If you ask me, I think it has little girly girl written all over it!
These save the date magnets were really fun to make. Recently I have been doing quite a few save the dates and these magents are especially nice because guests can keep them well after the date as passed. This magnet was for a vow renewal and was 4.5x6 in size. The large size perfectly held all of the information that was needed:
The next set of save the date magnets is so super awesome. I love it so much but cannot take credit for much of the beauty. Jess VanLue was the photographer behind this stunning photo and if you know her work, you know she does stunning work. When I was given this image to work with, I knew it needed to be the focal point. So, I added a few elements to the magnet in order to coordinate it with their wedding inviations and voila, the finished product was simply beautiful:
Stay tuned for wedding invitations and more save the date cards - wedding season is in full swing!